Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnav said that mobile connectivity is available in 6 lakh 16,300 villages out of 6 lakh 44 thousand 131 villages in the country. He told the Lok Sabha that the government has taken several schemes to increase internet connectivity in the country and 3.99 lakh base trans-receiver stations and BTS 5G services are available in the country in 738 districts.
He added that BTS has increased from 6.49 lakh in March 2014 to 24.42 lakh in March this year and the number of internet users has increased from 25.15 crore in March 2014 to 88.22 crore in March 2023. The minister said that the cost of data has come down from Rs 269 per GB in March 2014 to Rs 9 94 per GB in March this year.